Producer/ Writer Natasha Faye Director: Mauricio Marces LOCAL CASTING: Heidi Eklund Casting SHOOTING DATES: March 31, April 1, April 2, 2018 in Middletown, NY *SAG/AFTRA PAY $100 per day Seeking: DARLA:20s, transgender Male to Female a graphic artist who has an energetic and vibrant personality. She just graduated with Abbie. She brightens the day of all who come into contact with her and works hard to keep the peace between. EVA and ABBIE. Darla has been friends with Eva longer, thus Abbie feels that Darla has taken Eva’s side.(Eva is in love with Johnny. He loves her attention, but does not return her love. For this reason, Darla dislikes him. The friends haven’t hung out together in months.) * auditions are by appointment only Please submit to: [email protected] Here is our registration form for 2017 if you haven't already filled it out goo.gl/forms/697Lo9pN9eSIq6wq2 Subject: YOUR NAME, UNION STATUS Please submit as follows: (seriously follow these directions and all below...The reason for the specificity is so we can easily find you in our thousands of files AND so we can share your information with Directors and Producers and hopefully get you hired.) I need at the very least a film or video (not theater or on stage) clip of you acting (create one if you don't have it)... and that should be provided within the submission as described below: (if you have sent one of these documents to us recently, please find it and send it again)...thanks. Please send us your materials in an email as follows: (follow specific instructions) 1. Make a google doc or a microsoft doc. 2. Put your name and union status at the top of the document with your height. IF YOU HAVE AN ACTOR WEBSITE, THAT LINK SHOULD BE RIGHT UNTER YOUR NAME AND JUST BEFORE YOUR PHOTO 3. insert your photos (PHOTOS SHOULD BE THE FIRST THING WE SEE not your resume) as a jpegs into the document so they are part of the document. 4. Put your resume data into the word/google doc as you normally would. BE SURE YOU INCLUDE LINKS TO, ACTOR'S WEBSITES, actors access, IMDB, REELS and CLIPS in the pdf. 5. CONVERT TO PDF (now you have a photo and resume attached and we will be happy) 6. Make the filename of the document. (YourName.pdf,. JanePretend.pdf, HeidiEklund.pdf) 7. Be sure your contact information is in the body email you send to [email protected] and let us know where you live: 8. Attach your new fabulous PDF or google document. *In the body of your email list your name, your email, your phone number including the carrier, height, age range, and the location where you reside and receive mail. Please be sure to label your photo, word, pdf and other types of files with Your Name. example: Janet Doe [email protected] [email protected] (so we can send you a text from our email to your phone if we want to see you audition) Non-Union with One Taft Hartley 5'4 15-25 New Paltz Comments are closed.
AuthorHeidi K. Eklund is the owner of Hudson Valley Casting and has been in the entertainment business for over 30 years. Archives
January 2025