Cue Cards Director: Soraya Perry On an alternate Earth, two strangers are introduced by a medical company hired to create matches between patients with the same amount of time left before death. Seeking the following (Non-Union): MOSS: (Male, 24-45), Black, any color hair or eyes, any weight or height. Character is a guarded yet intuitive man, careful with his words. AMY (tentative name): (Female, 25-35), White, any hair, eye color, weight, and height. A naive woman, nervous, frequently putting her foot in her mouth. DOCTOR: (Male, 40-60), any hair color (preferable greying), any ethnicity, eye color, weight, and height. Director of a medical clinic, informal and patronizing. ATTENDANT: (Female, 30-50) Any ethnicity, hair color, eye color, weight, and height. An omni-present attendant at a medical clinic whose personality remains largely unknown throughout the film. Shoots late March, early April. 2-day shoot. No Pay, but copy of your work. Send to: [email protected] SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS (please READ and FOLLOW instructions- take your time and make your submission count)Subject: CUE CARDS, Your Name, ROLE YOU ARE INTERESTED IN *Attach your headshot (JPEG) and resume (please be sure all of your files are properly labeled with your name ex. johndoeresume.jpeg). * Attach 2 recent selfies (full length from head down to at least the knees, and a close up of your face from the shoulders up) Please be sure to label your photo files with Your Name. *In the body of your email list your name, your email, your phone number including the carrier, height, age range, the location where you reside and receive mail, and your links to clips, or your reel. Please be sure to label your photo files with Your Name. example: Janet Doe [email protected] [email protected] Non-Union 5'4 15-25 New Paltz LINKS Comments are closed.
AuthorHeidi K. Eklund is the owner of Hudson Valley Casting and has been in the entertainment business for over 30 years. Archives
March 2024