SEEKING Child for Excelsior College Commercial
CASTING DIRECTOR HEIDI EKLUND ROLE CHILD 7-10 YEARS OLD DEADLINE . MON APR 24 @12:00 PM ROLE DESCRIPTION Posting is subject to COPYRIGHT ©2023 Hudson Valley Casting, LLC ** SHARE yes... But do not copy to casting websites Seeking a Child 7-10 years old. YOUNG... SWEET. SMART. PRECOCIOUS!!!! with an ADULT like delivery and essence. RATE: The Child Talent who books this job will be paid $500 for the filming day with a $1000 buy out for 2 years unlimited usage in all form. Please submit by this link: https://breakdownservices.com/index.cfm/opencall?oc=b8z5a EMAIL US ONCE YOU HAVE SUBMITTED YOUR CHILD... [email protected] 3/14/2023 Casting Local Bank COMMERCIAL! Portland MAINE LOCAL Audition Needed immediately -Films on 3/28/2023Read Now Casting Local Bank COMMERCIAL!
Portland MAINE LOCAL Audition Needed by 3/16/2023 Films on 3/28/2023 https://forms.gle/fJGg5R22Mhw9d2bx7 ![]() Supermarket Commercials Heidi Eklund Casting USAGE AND FEES $850/role, flat = $400 session fee and $450 global buyout fee all media (cover on air and internet, social media, etc.) in perpetuity, no agency fee, no travel. SHOOT DATES: December 6 or 7, 2022 (one shoot day per actor and these could be overnight shoots) - Talent needed for only one day but should be available for both. **SEEKING NON-UNION TALENT FROM THE ALBANY NY REGION AND SURROUNDING AREAS** ALL TYPES, ALL GENDERS, ALL ABILITIES are encouraged to apply. Diversity is encouraged for all roles. We are seeking genuinely humorous reads showing authentically fun and unique personalities. PLEASE DO NOT CONTACT THE PRODUCERS OR CASTING TEAM DIRECTLY. If you have any questions you may email [email protected]. (no phone calls). DO NOT SUBMIT to this email- follow submission/audition instructions on the OPEN CALL Only those who submit a self-tape audition will be considered. CLICK THE LINK BELOW EACH ROLE TO find info and SUBMIT YOUR SELF-TAPE AUDITIONS... THE AUDITIONS ARE DUE ON THURSDAY DECEMBER 1, 2022 by 3 PM to be considered. There is a separate link for each role... you will be asked to create a FREE profile on Actor's Access. You must include a full length photo and a headshot and fill out information about your acting/on camera experience. **COVID-19 POLICY for those who book this work: MUST BE FULLY VACCINATED AND SHOW PROOF TO THE PRODUCER OR PROVIDE up-to-date NEGATIVE PCR lab TEST (at your own cost) before arriving on set*** SEEKING SUBMISSIONS FOR THE FOLLOWING ROLES: MOM 30s-40s, & KID, 8 years ALL ETHNICITIES -Auditions Due Dec. 1 at 3pm https://breakdownservices.com/index.cfm/opencall?oc=3532f MAN 1 & MAN 2 All ETHNICITIES -Auditions Due Dec 1, 2022 at 3pm https://breakdownservices.com/index.cfm/opencall?oc=4dc84 MAN & COWORKER(M or F) ALL ETHNICITIES - Auditions due DEC. 1 at 3pm https://breakdownservices.com/index.cfm/opencall?oc=4cz9b Man (20s)/Woman (20s) ALL ETHNICITIES - Auditions Due Dec. 1 at 3pm https://breakdownservices.com/index.cfm/opencall?oc=b378s PAINTER 1 & PAINTER 2 (Any Gender, Any Ethnicity) -Auditions due DEC 1 by 3pm https://breakdownservices.com/index.cfm/opencall?oc=czs78 ![]()
NY State Training Video (Dramatization) Producer: Joseph Walsh Casting Heidi Eklund Casting Casting Assistant: Zoe Hunter Lee USAGE AND FEES The rates are indicated with the roles... each fee includes session and global buyout fee all media (cover on air and internet, social media, etc.) in perpetuity, no agency fee, no travel. (this is an internal training video so it is not currently projected to be broadcast). SHOOT DATES: November 7th, 2022 **SEEKING NON-UNION TALENT FROM THE ALBANY NY REGION AND SURROUNDING AREAS** ALL TYPES, ALL GENDERS, ALL ABILITIES are encouraged to apply. Diversity is encouraged for all roles. We are seeking strong actors with skill and focus to be able to do LONG TAKES around 10 minutes at a time. PLEASE DO NOT CONTACT THE PRODUCERS OR CASTING TEAM DIRECTLY. If you have any questions you may email [email protected]. (no phone calls). DO NOT SUBMIT to this email- follow submission/audition instructions on the OPEN CALL Only those who submit a self-tape audition will be considered. CLICK THE LINK BELOW EACH ROLE TO find info and SUBMIT YOUR AUDITIONS... THE AUDITIONS ARE DUE AS SOON AS POSSIBLE... We will be reviewing them as they come in so sooner is always better than later. There is a separate link for each role... you will be asked to create a FREE profile on Actor's Access. You must include a full length photo and a headshot and fill out information about your acting/on camera experience. **COVID-19 POLICY for those who book this work: MUST BE FULLY VACCINATED AND SHOW PROOF TO THE PRODUCER OR PROVIDE up-to-date NEGATIVE PCR lab TEST (at your own cost) before arriving on set*** SEEKING SUBMISSIONS FOR THE FOLLOWING ROLES: Shelby Mac -Staff (early 30’s) ALL ETHNICITIES Shelby Mac (early 30’s) Staff member assigned to Morgan, troubled teen, for one on one supervision. Knows everyone , so is in charge of medication administration. $900 session fee and full buyout flat. https://breakdownservices.com/index.cfm/opencall?oc=za82a Taisha Miller - Staff (early to mid 20’s) ALL ETHNICITIES Newly assigned staff member. Makes everyone a snack. Gets worried when Morgan disappears. $900 session fee and full buyout flat. https://breakdownservices.com/index.cfm/opencall?oc=9fs2e Jack Donahue- Staff young (early 20’s) ALL ETHNICITIES Newly assigned staff member. Worked double shifts, so is tired. Takes Bob to play a game. $900 session fee and full buyout flat. https://breakdownservices.com/index.cfm/opencall?oc=4c37d Mercy Taylor- Staff oldest of the staff members(30’s to 50’s) staff member in charge, delegates work duty. No nonsense. Aware of staff shortages. $900 session fee and full buyout flat. ALL ETHNICITIES https://breakdownservices.com/index.cfm/opencall?oc=8z4ea Tween/ Teen Roles Morgan Campbell - Individuals Receiving Services (15-18 years old, will consider over 18 to play young) ALL ETHNICITIES Troubled teen, needs one on one supervision, escapes while everyone is distracted with Penny. $500 session fee and full buyout flat. https://breakdownservices.com/index.cfm/opencall?oc=9e72a Penny Barnes - Individuals Receiving Services (15-18 years old, will consider over 18 to play young) ALL ETHNICITIES. Teen, with a bad headache, needs medicine. $500 session fee and full buyout flat. https://breakdownservices.com/index.cfm/opencall?oc=94e7d Bob Miller - Individuals Receiving Services (15-18 years old, will consider over 18 to play young) ALL ETHNICITIES. Argues with Robyn. Gets upset when Morgan goes missing. $500 session fee and full buyout flat. https://breakdownservices.com/index.cfm/opencall?oc=sab73 Robyn Phelps- Individuals Receiving Services (15-18 years old, will consider over 18 to play young) ALL ETHNICITIES. Teen, argues with Bob. Gets upset when Morgan goes missing. $500 session fee and full buyout flat. https://breakdownservices.com/index.cfm/opencall?oc=fscse Casting Heidi Eklund Casting Casting Assistant: Anna Blake Casting Assistant: Zoe Hunter Lee USAGE AND FEES $850/role, flat = $400 session fee and $450 global buyout fee all media (cover on air and internet, social media, etc.) in perpetuity, no agency fee, no travel. SHOOT DATES: October 3 and 4 - Talent needed for only one day but should be available for both. **SEEKING NON-UNION TALENT FROM THE ALBANY NY REGION AND SURROUNDING AREAS** ALL TYPES, ALL GENDERS, ALL ABILITIES are encouraged to apply. Diversity is encouraged for all roles. We are seeking genuinely humorous reads showing authentically fun and unique personalities. PLEASE DO NOT CONTACT THE PRODUCERS OR CASTING TEAM DIRECTLY. If you have any questions you may email [email protected]. (no phone calls). DO NOT SUBMIT to this email- follow submission/audition instructions on the OPEN CALL Only those who submit a self-tape audition will be considered. CLICK THE LINK BELOW EACH ROLE TO find info and SUBMIT YOUR AUDITIONS... THE AUDITIONS ARE DUE ON Tuesday SEPTEMBER 28, 2022 by 10AM to be considered. There is a separate link for each role... you will be asked to create a FREE profile on Actor's Access. You must include a full length photo and a headshot and fill out information about your acting/on camera experience. **COVID-19 POLICY for those who book this work: MUST BE FULLY VACCINATED AND SHOW PROOF TO THE PRODUCER OR PROVIDE up-to-date NEGATIVE PCR lab TEST (at your own cost) before arriving on set*** SEEKING SUBMISSIONS FOR THE FOLLOWING ROLES: WINDOW WOMAN Actor to portray female, 60 to 80, any ethnicity (see below for fees). Woman shops for groceries online in her home office and yells to her off-screen husband. https://breakdownservices.com/index.cfm/opencall?oc=332df PLAYGROUND COUPLE WOMAN Actor to portray Female 30+, any ethnicity A couple sits on a bench by a playground discussing ordering their groceries. When the ice cream truck drives up, they're just as excited as the children. https://breakdownservices.com/index.cfm/opencall?oc=sb677 PLAYGROUND COUPLE MAN Actor to portray Male 30+, any ethnicity A couple sits on a bench by a playground discussing ordering their groceries. When the ice cream truck drives up, they're just as excited as the children. https://breakdownservices.com/index.cfm/opencall?oc=fb3zf CHATTY LAKE PARTNER 30+, any ethnicity and gender A couple is unwinding at the lake. One is a bit talky/neurotic, the other wants to relax. https://breakdownservices.com/index.cfm/opencall?oc=as5sd RELAXED LAKE PARTNER 30+, any ethnicity and gender A couple is unwinding at the lake. One is a bit talky/neurotic, the other wants to relax. https://breakdownservices.com/index.cfm/opencall?oc=ze793 HOCKEY MAN Actor to portray Male, any age 30, any ethnicity A guy drives a Zamboni as he talks on the phone, oblivious to the ad on the side of the vehicle. A little rough around the edges but charismatic. A real hockey guy. https://breakdownservices.com/index.cfm/opencall?oc=435sz SIGN SPINNER MAN Actor 20-30 years old to portray Male, any ethnicity A man spins a promotional sign so fast that the words aren't legible. Sign spinning is important, the funnier or more physical the better! Looking for someone who is physically agile and can make spinning really unique and interesting. Encouraging audition-ers to spin a makeshift sign of sorts, could literally be a poster board or whatever. https://breakdownservices.com/index.cfm/opencall?oc=53b35 NEWSPAPER COUPLE WOMAN Actor to portray FEMALE 60 to 100 any ethnicity and gender considerations older couple sitting at a patio table in their backyard. They’re drinking coffee and reading the newspaper. The man hands the woman the Hannaford Weekly Flyer from the paper. https://breakdownservices.com/index.cfm/opencall?oc=z46ec NEWSPAPER COUPLE MAN Actor to portray MALE 60 to 100 any ethnicity older couple sitting at a patio table in their backyard. They’re drinking coffee and reading the newspaper. The man hands her the Hannaford Weekly Flyer from the paper. https://breakdownservices.com/index.cfm/opencall?oc=634sd Auditions for LEGOLAND BRICKTACULAR on 9/1/22 and 9/2/22
SIGN UP HERE https://airtable.com/shrk1TNaxrZl6CUAq We are still seeking babies for a feature film in Albany. Twins are preferred. Needed between June 14 to June 30 most weekdays! Send us a photo and your contact email, place where you live: just city and state, and phone number to [email protected]. Baby is playing as a newborn girl. or you can sign up on our new database by clicking the link below... you can sign up with a free (inactive account) and we can see your photos and info and contact you through our online software.
https://hudsonvalleycasting.agencyprosoftware.com/talent/application.php ![]() HEIDI EKLUND CASTING 2022- Hallmark Promo Casting Client - Crown Media Programming Promotional Videos Production Company - Assembly Films AUDITION SUBMISSION DEADLINE JUNE 3, 2022 by 5PM (don't wait) Please fill everything out completely... You will have about 20 minutes to fill out the form before it times out... We recommend having everything ready ahead of time so you can avoid time out frustrations. We recommend reading this numerous times before proceeding to the submission page. WHO WE ARE STILL LOOKING FOR SANTA CLAUSE TYPES (Non-Union) Big Tall Male round belly, with a white beard a plus! and NON-UNION actors to portray a variety of female roles. Age Range 25-55. All ethnicities. Seeking Curvy female body types who have not already submitted to our casting. The client has asked to work with talent vaccinated against Covid-19 and there will be Covid-19 testing prior to work. OUTDOOR ACTIVITIES ALERT There will be many outdoor activities so our talent needs to be okay being in the SUN, able to walk around and move easily. DATES Fittings: June 7th Shoot Date: June 9th-11th we are looking at 8-12 hour days, also the dates might shift by a day due to weather. AT THIS TIME YOU MUST BE AVAILABLE ALL DAYS - FULL DAYS, THERE ARE NO SCHEDULING WORK AROUNDS. RATES Fees for adults $500/day flat session fee (no travel pay, no accommodations, no agent fee) $2000 FULL GLOBAL BUYOUT all media in perpetuity. SUBMISSION SPECIFICS: VIDEO AUDITION We are looking forward to your personality video submission letting us know a few things about you... about 30 seconds is fine. Make sure it is done today and specifically for this project and in a LANDSCAPE FORMAT. Your photos should also be taken today. This is a Copake, NY local (self-report by your own car) project. VIRTUAL OPEN CALL DEADLINE: We are making casting decisions by MAY 31 but we will be evaluating auditions as soon as they are uploaded... do not wait. Do not repost this casting notice on other casting sites without permission. The only way to be considered is through this form. Copyright 2022 Hudson Valley Casting LLC AUDITION INSTRUCTIONS REMINDER...For your VIDEO audition please include all of the following: 1. READ ALL THE INSTRUCTIONS FIRST (then record in the app by clicking on the button below) 2. Please if you are using a smart phone turn it the LONG WAY or LANDSCAPE position (this is self-taping rule #1). 3. Slate at the beginning of your video with your NAME, HEIGHT, CITY, and STATE, please also state your UNION Status and if you'd be able to show the Covid-19 team proof of vaccination. 4. Please show yourself FULL LENGTH and during the video and also show yourself moving from the waist down. We want to see how you move and how comfortable you are in front of the camera. These videos will often not show faces but close on clothing and hands from the waist down or from the back or side. So be sure to show all angles of standing and various positions of daily being. 5. We would like to know specifically if anyone has skills in: canoeing, archery, driving a car, not allergic/comfortable with dogs, and knitting. 6. Have your taping of you be natural and authentic. YOU BE YOU. 7. Wear something that fits with our casting description like nice casual wear, shorts and a tank top or T shirt, exercise wear, etc. 8. If you have tattoos that are visible when you are wearing shorts and a tank top please show them to us in the video... do you have artist releases for your tattoos? ![]() Casting Call for Feature film in Albany, NY (SAG-AFTRA or Taft-Hartley) Brother's Blood filming in May/June Speaking roles SAG-AFTRA $686 per day if booked. We are seeking all types over 18 years old for this call... WE WILL EXTEND THE DEADLINE UNTIL MONDAY 23, 2022 THIS OPEN CALL IS FOR PEOPLE WHO LIVE IN THE CAPITAL REGION OF NY AND THEREABOUTS. WE CAN'T TRAVEL PEOPLE... We sincerely want to find LOCALS and Nearby LOCALS to apply... THANK YOU. Click the link to the open call for more details https://breakdownservices.com/index.cfm/opencall? (see the screenshot of the open call instructions... this is what you will see when you go to the open call page which is powered by BREAKDOWN SERVICES) *Please do not contact anyone on the production team, or casting directly. Submit as requested, thank you. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, gender, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, national origin, genetics, disability, age, or veteran status. COVID-19 Information: According to the newly re-negotiated Return to Work agreement, All Zone A Cast and Crew must be up to date with their vaccines, including boosters, by Mar. 15. The Return to Work Agreement stipulates that effective March 15, 2022 only individuals who are “up to date” on their vaccines, as that term is defined by the CDC, shall be considered “fully vaccinated. Reasonable accommodations will be made as required by law for individuals who cannot be vaccinated due to a medical condition or a sincerely held religious belief, practice, or observance. Individuals who are seeking an exception/exemption from the vaccine requirement must submit a request for accommodation and will be given proper instructions on how to do so. ©2022 HudsonValleyCasting - No information from this casting notice may be used for posting by other parties. DO NOT REPOST ON OTHER CASTING SITES. |
AuthorHeidi K. Eklund is the owner of Hudson Valley Casting and has been in the entertainment business for over 30 years. Archives
January 2025